For short-term treatment of reflux symptoms (heartburn, acid regurgitation) in adults, aged 18 years and over.
The recommended dose:
20 mg esomeprazole (one capsule) per day.
It might be necessary to take the capsules for 2-3 consecutive days to achieve improvement of symptoms. The duration of treatment is up to 2 weeks. Once complete relief of symptoms has occurred, treatment should be discontinued.
If no symptom relief is obtained within 2 weeks of continuous treatment, consult a doctor.
Consult a doctor if you:
• have significant unintentional weight loss, recurrent vomiting, dysphagia, haematemesis or melaena and when gastric ulcer is suspected or present, malignancy should be excluded as treatment with esomeprazole may alleviate symptoms and delay diagnosis.
• have had previous gastric ulcer or gastrointestinal surgery.
• have been on continuous symptomatic treatment of indigestion or heartburn for 4 or more weeks.
• have jaundice or severe liver disease.
• are aged over 55 years with new or recently changed symptoms.
Patients with long-term recurrent symptoms of indigestion or heartburn should see their doctor at regular intervals. Patients over 55 years taking any non-prescription indigestion or heartburn remedy on a daily basis should inform their pharmacist or doctor.
Patients should not take Emazole Control as a long term preventive medicinal product.
Patients should consult their doctor before taking this medicinal product if they are due to have an endoscopy or urea breath test.